Wednesday, October 30, 2019

REFLECTION PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

REFLECTION PAPER - Essay Example The White supremacists used violence against striking slaves and imposed laws that required the states to arrest all escaping slaves. At the end of slavery, the White supremacists felt threatened and Jim Crow laws that provided for ‘separate but equal’ doctrine were passed in order to maintain White dominance in the society (Brown and Webb 47). The Jim Crow laws enforced segregation that required the separation of Whites and Blacks in public places and prohibited intermarriages. The draconian and unjust laws applied to the public transport system, education system and restaurants thus creating wrong perceptions that blacks were inferior to Whites (Brown and Webb 34). The white women were considered to models of modesty, self-control and self-respect. On the other hand, the black women were stereotyped as seductive, lewd and tempting and their misconceived insatiable desire for sex made them ideal for prostitution. In this case, such stereotypes later led to sexual harassments in other places such as workplace. The scantily dressed black women were stereotyped as lustful and lacking civility. The Blacks were not regarded as citizens and thus were not entitled to protection or respect while the Whites enjoyed higher standards of living due to access to economic opportunities (Brown and Webb 78). The blacks had no freedom of speech, faith, though and right to enter in to contracts and thus were perceived as inferior to the other races in the society. For instance, the Naturalization Act of 1790 only allowed the ‘free white persons’ to become citizens and excluded the racialized minorities (Brown and Webb 37). Accordingly, American women were forbidden to marry aliens since they would automatically lose their citizenship in the early decades of 20th century. The blacks had not civil rights or right to own any property and were barred from obtaining redress against any action of their white masters. Although the Negro Suffrage and Social Equality of 1868

Delegation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Delegation - Essay Example Knowledge and competence are criteria that allow decisions to be made at the appropriate level. This means that all members of staff must accept responsibility for achieving high-quality management and not leave that responsibility to the senior management team or middle managers. Healthcare organizations start to apply this concept into practice seeing it as a high level of specialist practice and competitive advantage in healthcare services. Today, a special attention is given to proper function of medical staff and empowerment which helps to improve efficiency of medical practices and introduce technological innovation more rapidly and effectively. Delegation is one of the most important management functions which help a person to handle a task over to another person. At the beginning of the 21st century, healthcare needs nurses able to cope with changing environment, technological challenges and culturally diverse clients. If nurses are able to exhibit strategic leadership that achieves a long-term focus, promotes development and application of core competences, emphasizes the development of human capital, develops an effective culture, and achieves strategic control simultaneously with the allowance of autonomy, restructuring efforts are more like to be successful. Delegation of responsibilities allows nurses to improve their performance and effectively manage daily tasks. Delegation is a skill o... It can be used either as an excuse for dumping failure onto the shoulders of subordinates, or as a dynamic tool for motivating and training your team to realize their full potential". A nursing position and role in healthcare has defined responsibilities or functions, together with the authority to carry them out. Nurses tend to have responsibilities for more work than they can possibly execute themselves. Another definition of delegation can be successfully applied to nursing profession: "delegation is the universally required ability to maintain responsibility yet relinquish authority" (The New Oxford American Dictionary 2001, p. 38). Most managers agree that decisions ought to be delegated to the lowest possible level where they can be made intelligently and where the relevant facts and required judgment are available. Often, in practice, they violate this rule by micromanaging or just telling their subordinates what to do. Or they make the mistake of dumping the decision without enough guidance or taking it back and doing it themselves. All of these mistakes have negative consequences (Blair, n.d.). The personality type of both the boss and the subordinate can have a profound effect on whether effective delegation takes place. Intuitive types may not explain all the details or responsibilities to the subordinate because they believe they have given a broad enough picture. Introverts may not fully communicate all the necessary information they have; their delegation will be patchy and inconsistent. Extroverts may wander with their thoughts and not be concise in their communications (Gulanick and Myers, 2006). Using these definitions, it is evident that delegation in nursing can be defined as the process when nurses give subordinates (usually

Monday, October 28, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example for Free

Operations Management Essay Garland Company is a company known for its excellence when it comes to manufacturing product representing various combinations of reinforcement ma materials, surfacing materials, polymer components, and specific additives such as fire retardants, fibers, and fillers. The company originated in from US in 1895 and to extended distribution in Europe, Garland Company established their branch in Gloucester, England in 2001 called Garland Company U. K. , Ltd. For Garland Company, the best formula for future success is the combination of solid culture, traditional values, high integrity plus the product, strategies, service and technologies. That is why the employees of Garland understand clearly their importance in the company. The Garland’s ISO certification for research and development started in 1998 and up to now they still live up to that quality standard by producing quality products. Every aspect of Garland manufacturing is monitored through ISO 9000 certification processes, which include regular independent audits to ensure predictable, consistent adherence to world-class standards of quality. That is why the company’s products are backed-up with some of the strongest warranties in the commercial and industrial roofing and building maintenance industries.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact Of Community Violence On Children And Adolescents Criminology Essay

Impact Of Community Violence On Children And Adolescents Criminology Essay Using the Social Ecological Model as a framework for evaluating the effects of community violence effects on children and template for prevention and intervention programs Abstract The effects on children of community-based violence are consequences that raise grave concern in Jamaica and across the world. Various empirical work and reviews have well-documented the many negative effects. However, relations between community violence, the individual, the environment, and child development do not occur in a vacuum.  The impact can be understood as related to changes in the society, communities, relationships, and other  social  contexts which children experience, and in the psychological processes activated by these  social ecologies.  To promote this inter-related process-oriented perspective, a  social  ecological  model  for the effects of community violence on children is presented, to indicate the need for prevention and intervention programs to tackle the issue of community violence from this perspective.   Research questions: Are the impacts of community violence dimensional Hypothesis: Impacts of community violence are dimensional and have ripple effects across all dimensions as identified in Bronfenbrenner Social Ecological Model Community violence frequently refers to a wide range of events including riots, sniper attacks, torture, bombings war, ethnic cleansing, and widespread sexual, physical and emotional abuse (Logsdon, 2010). Background/Problem Living in chronically violent context has been a perennial problem in developed and developing countries. Community violence is recognized as a major public health problem (WHO, World Report on Violence and Health, 2000; Cooley, Lambert, Ialongo, 2003), and affects all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, but its impact falls most heavily on poor, urban, and minority groups, particularly youth (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997; Christoffel, 1990, Stein et al, 2003). Much of the empirical work done on childrens exposure to community-based violence has focused on implications such as the impacts, protective factors, cause for childrens resilience, mediating and moderating factors among others, all evaluated as detached dimensions. This review proposes that living in a chronically violent context has the potential to affect childrens overall quality of life. Therefore, evaluating the implications of childrens experience of living in chronically violent setting and the impact on their development need to be looked at from a multidimensional level with it all being interconnected. Notably, research that focuses on any one level underestimates the effects of other contexts (Klein et al., 1999; Rousseau House, 1994; Stokols, 1996). The purpose of this review includes mutually greater insight into this particular context of living in chronically violent settings and the provision of a template for study of the impact of childrens exposure to violence in the Caribbean and other regions of the world.  Accordingly, the applicability of this approach is considered for the context of community violence in Jamaica. This review seeks to evaluate the four levels as a mode of informing prevention and intervention programs on how to target community violence based on the interplay intra-context and inter-context. The Social Ecological Model The Social Ecological Model (SEM) allows for the integration of multiple levels and contexts to establish the  overall impact and in conflict communication. (Oetzel, Ting-Toomey, Rinderle, 2006) In examining the effects of community violence, its most likely relevant to assess equally the individuals direct experience of violence as well as the actual amount of violence that is occurring in the surrounding environment, be it direct or indirectly. This distinction is analogous to Bronfenbrenners distinction between the microsystem and the exosystem (Bronfenbrenner, 1977). Direct experiences of violence are part of the childs immediate environment (or microsystem). These direct experiences occur within a broader context-the exosystem-that provides a backdrop for the childs immediate experiences. Rates of violent crime in a neighborhood, for example, provide a measure of how much violence is occurring in a community, even though the child may not be directly experiencing it himself or herself. But these more remote, ambient occurrences of violence still can exert influences on childrens development-through how they affect the availability and adequacy of resources and supports, and how they affect the familys emotional well-being and approach to daily life. Both direct (microsystemic) and indirect (exosystemic) experiences of community violence are important and relevant to investigate, and they each may affect childrens adaptation. It is important for researchers to be clear in specifying what they are measuring so that they can be more precise in their predictions and in their conclusions. However, despite the burgeoning of the research area, the knowledge base remains fairly diverse. It is dominated by research employing a few select measures or their revisions, several of which have yet to have their psychometric properties documented. Rather than reflecting a consolidated body of findings which can be used to direct policymaking and program design and implementation, the available work constitutes an increasingly complex and fragmented body of empirical findings, drawing from differing assumptions and operationalizations of what constitutes community violence (Guterman et al., 2000, p. 572) Social-ECOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK Bronfenbrenners (1979) ecological framework indicated that humans should be viewed in the context of their environment. Three of the levels within this ecology of human development are the macrosystem, exosystem, and microsystem. The broadest aspect, the macrosystem, consists of institutional patterns such as economic, social, educational, and political systems (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Cicchetti Lynch, 1993). Bronfenbrenner defined the exosystem as a system that includes social settings, such as interactions between the neighborhood, schools, and churches, along with issues such as a lack of employment opportunities and pervasive low socioeconomic status (Cicchetti Lynch, 1993). Similarly, class status, chronic oppressive experiences, and exposure to violence also fit within the exosystem. The microsystem is the most proximal and directly affects a child (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). This level encompasses the complex interactions between a child and his or her family environment. To better understand relations between violence and child development it is crucial to examine the effects from multiple levels of societal functioning, including community and domestic conflict and psychological processes associated with violence exposure (Feerick and Prinz, 2003). its concentration in poorer areas during prepubescence and in younger adulthood (parenting age) suggests that poorer children are exposed to much more aggressive communities. This is likely to contribute to the disproportionate escalation in violence they experience during adolescence. Effective interventions to prevent such escalations are available and need to be implemented particularly in poor communities. Theoretical models need further development and testing. These models are needed for more compelling explanation on how and why exposure to violence affects child development at different levels (ie. Socially, emotionally, cognitively, neurologically). Such frameworks have the potential to better evaluate social, cultural, ethnic, and political contexts that are integral to understanding the impact of violence exposure (Feerick Prinz, 2003). Contextual theory attends to the influence from various contexts, especially the historical or socio-cultural climates. Ecological theory stresses the importance of various context or systems, including the Microsystems, mesosystems, exosystems and macrosystems. (internet cite) Microsystems encompass a setting that includes where we live, our family, our schools, and our neighbourhoods. Mesosystems pertains to the interactions between experiences in the Microsystems. Exosystems are experiences in another social setting that we do not have an active role in, but that have an immediate influence on us. Community violence falls within this level. However, it is clear that even though at another the interrelatedness of its influence is not detached within the system.Macrosystems generally speaking is the culture in which we live. The literature on community violence has shown that many negative outcomes are results from such exposure (Lynch, 2003, Stein, 2003 Osofsky, 1999). One suggestion for better examination of the effects of community violence is the use of longitudinal studies (Stein et. al). The researchers explained that the use of longitudinal studies would allow examination of the effects of violence on the developmental paths of children. Bearing in mind that the chronicity (when, how often, and over what time frame) of violence exposure may significantly influence a childs developmental trajectory longitudinal studies are essential to better understanding how early violence exposure relates to later violence exposure, symptoms development, school performance, violence perpetration, as well as other high risk behaviours (Stein et. al, 2003). This approach would tap into some levels of the systemic approach to examining the effects, but the interactions within and the influences of the macrosystem variables (poverty, lack of resources, socio-economic status, housing) are not factored here. The Context for the individual Exposure rates very high (Luthar Goldstein, 2004) Psychological effects Among the psychological correlates of childrens exposure to community violence are anxiety symptoms and disorders, depressive symptoms, academic failure, and school disengagement (Boyd, Cooley, Lambert Ialongo, 2003 and Cooley-Quille, Boyd, Frantz, Walsh, 2001) Diagram The individual/Microsystem PTSD Post traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) is the most common psychological impact identified in the field of literature. In one study the researcher explored the relationship between exposure to chronic community violence and the development of complex PTSD that occur as a result of repeated exposure to traumas (Jones, 2007) Findings revealed despite community violence exposure was a daily part of living among the participants, formal kinship and spirituality, along with high levels of combined supports, demonstrated buffering effects on exposure to violence (Jones, 2007). Psychological effects Not surprisingly, many studies have demonstrated that exposure to community violence can be traumatic for children. Exposure to community violence has been positively correlated with symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in children ranging in age from the early elementary years through adolescence (Fitzpatrick Boldizar, 1993; Horowitz, Weine, Jekel, 1995; Lynch Cicchetti, 1998a). All forms of exposure appear to have some effect- hearing about violence in the community, witnessing it, and being personally victimized. However, chronic exposure to community violence and personal victimization by violence in particular may be especially relevant in the development of symptomatology (Lynch Cicchetti, 1998a; Terr, 1991). Victimization by community violence has been shown to predict levels of traumatic stress even when demographic variables and prior symptomatology have been controlled (Lynch Cicchetti, 1998a). In addition, victimization by community violence predicted symptoms of traumatic stress in a sample of urban children who had been maltreated by a caregiver, even after the effects of maltreatment severity were Substance abuse (Lynch, 2003) Behavioural problems are also linked with exposure to community violence (Stein, 2003) Among these are externalizing problems and internalizing problems. Notably, though there is a distinct association between behavioural problems and exposure to violence, the direction of that association is probably bi-directional. In essence, behavioural problems are simultaneously a predictor to exposure to violence and a result of exposure (Lynch, 2003). Mesosystem Similarly, exposure to community violence has been found to be associated with a wide range of serious problems that influence almost every area of a childs life. They include internalizing and externalizing problems, substance abuse, disturbances of cognition, poor peer relationships, lowered educational outcomes, and higher rates of juvenile justice offences (for reviews see Osofsky, Wewers, Hann, Fick, 1993; Osofsky, 1995; Lynch, 2003). Children are at high risk of for both internalizing and externalizing problems (Luthar Goldstein 2004). In the face of high community violence, positive family processes may have modest protective potential (Luthar Goldstein 2004); in addition to PTSD and more modest ones with depressive symptoms. Social Cognition More urban youths have been caught in gun crossfire than non-urban adolescents ( 24% vs 4%; Schwarz, 1996). Reseachers have noted that low income communities are likely have higher rates of community violence with inner-city children at higher risk of being exposed to criminal offences (Jipguep Sanders-Phillips, )   Robbery was an almost universal experience affecting children from all schools and socio-economic groups (Samms-Vaughan, Jackson, Ashley, 200). The researchers explained that the high level of community violence in Jamaica is likely to expose Jamaican children to violence. Their study reported that a quarter of the children who completed given questionnaires had witnessed severe acts of physical violence such as robbery, shooting and gang wars, a fifth had been victims of serious threats or robbery and one in every twelve had been stabbed. The researchers recommended that intervention strategies to reduce childrens exposure to violence should include community educati on on the impact of exposure to violence on children, and the development of a range of school-based violence prevention programmes (Samms-Vaughan et al, 2005). This suggestion clearly tracts an ecological approach and valuing the relevance of the exosystem. Relationships/Mesosystem Among families living in conditions of poverty, positive parenting, encompassing high monitoring, support and cohesiveness, can help children maintain adequate levels of adjustment, but even the best of families will be limited in shielding their children when living in neighbourhoods where violence is a constant fact of life (Luthar Goldstein, 2004) This strengthens the point of the need for impacts of community violence not be evaluated in a piecemeal fashion, but as a cohesive whole system. For interventions the findings underscore the need to control violence in communities with efforts at both national policy and community levels addressing issues such as good control, neighbourhood, cohesiveness, communities and safety in schools (Luthar Goldstein, 2004); in essence a systemic approach. According to Pottinger, Many children exposed to chronic violence in their community are also beaten regularly at home and school. Feelings of unworthiness, inferiority and low self-esteem were prevalent reports along with expressions of depression. Girls who were shunned or isolated from their peers and boys who were sexually abused were likely to report depression. Low self-esteem, identified more in our boys, may be reflecting the disenfranchisement of some children, as they learn from early that they are not worthy of being protected from violence. These students may then progress to delinquent and aggressive behaviours during their adolescent years, Pottinger said. Vignette from Crawfords book Peer Relations Exsosystem Repeated general population studies would allow us to better understand how childrens exposure to violence is changing overtime (Stein et. al, 2003). The question here would be are community violence types different now. A clear answer would come from looking at the overall dynamics of interactions within each levels of the SEM. To reiterate, contextual factors are important in determining the impact of violence exposure on children (Stein et. al, 2003). This could be used to better inform violence prevention programmes for both schools and community, and to move the research field toward better science around the interplay between violence exposure, emotional and behavioural outcomes, the impact of prevention and intervention programmes, and needed changes in public policy (Stein et. al, 2003). Educational Outcomes Also reiterated are the impacts of community violence on education and leisure activities . When children experience violence at concentrated levels, in so many doses, and from so many directions, they are affected holistically- emotionally, psychologically and cognitively. This situation undermines their ability to be educated as well as access to education that is available (Crawford-Browne, 2010). It is common that children would miss school because community violence preventing them from doing so/ as a result of violence in communities children are often prevented from going to school or attending other leisure activities such as camp or after school programmes. According to Gayle, United Nations research shows a direct correlation between spending on education and levels of crime. In the Caribbean, Barbados has the lowest violence and highest education. Haiti has the highest crime and the lowest education. One of the strategies to get people to participate less in crime is to educate them. Education leads to character building. At the same time, loss of revenue caused by crime means that less can be used on education, Gayle said. Pauletta Chevannes, a lecturer in the Department of Education, University of the West Indies, noting that crime continues to impact greatly on the education system, insists that only with wider social change can the problem be solved.This wider change reiterates the argument of this paper that implementations has to consider the wider levels of the socio-ecological model. microcosm The school is a microcosm of the society and a lot of the violence experienced in these schools is directly related to what is happening in society. Juvenile justice outcomes While risk of exposure to violence is higher among poor, densely populated urban areas, it is not restricted to this group. In addition, the effects of exposure to community violence on health and functioning are vast, particularly in vulnerable populations. Exposure to community violence was strongly related to PTSD, for both victim and witness had adverse mental health outcomes (Fowler, Tompsett, Braciszewski, Jacques-Tiura, Bates, 2009). Personal and family contextual factors may protect an individual from the adverse impact of exposure to community violence (Gorma-Smith, Henry, Tolan, 2004) Exposure to community violence does not occur in isolation. Further research needs to be conducted on social, environmental and contextual factors that protect vulnerable populations, such as women, adolescents and children from adverse outcomes related to violence (Aisenberg Herrenkohl, 2008). Despite these tremendous stressors, some children appear to be less affected than others (Barbarin, 1993; Barbarin, Richter, deWet, 2001). Coping mechanisms enmeshed in family and peer support are protective factors (Jones, 2007). Macrosystem Many children and adolescents in America continue to be exposed to many types of community violence. Some factors such as sex, age, race and socioeconomic status are associated with higher rates of exposure. Community violence affects children from all backgrounds and communities (Stein, Jaycox, Kataoka, Rhodes, Vestal, 2003). The whole system is interrelated. Multiple risk factors such as poverty, overcrowding, inadequate medical care, scarcity of community resources, and parental problem all contribute to the strain within the exo-system within the context of development. It is important to examine the challenges victims and perpetrators may have. However, to widen understanding of effects of chronic violence on children focus need also be place on the ripple effects of the psychological impacts on children who are affected indirectly (Osofsky, 1999). From a prevention and intervention the most significant implication drawn from the body of literature is that in prevention efforts, the primary focus must be on the environment rather than the individuals experiencing the violence (Gorman-Smith et. al, 2003 and Luthar Goldstein 2004)However both environment and individual factors need to be focused on in tandem as both are equally important in dealing with the crux of the matter in making informed and balanced interventions. The highest recommendation is the prevention of community violence (Luthar Goldstein, 2004). Targeting the issue of community violence as a whole from an ecological model perspective is the more probable successful way to tap every domain that influence its pervasiveness. UNICEFs office in Jamaica estimates that violence costs the country over US$236 million or JA$15 billion annually. IN LOCAL communities affected most by violence, economic and social activities have been considerably reduced. Schools are underpopulated and when there is a flare-up of violence businesses, as well as schools close, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) stated in a 2007 report on violence and its costs. Audrey Pottinger, a consultant clinical psychologist at the Department of Child Guidance attached to the University of the West Indies said that the most frequent and traumatizing experiences students have are cruel tea-sing or verbal humiliation, followed by robbery and physical attack. She was making reference to a recent study done with a sample of more than 200 students from primary and secondary schools. Meanwhile, Dr Herbert Gayle, University of the West Indies-based anthropologist who produced the recent study on early training of males in criminal behaviour, suggested that the Government should invest more in education as one means of reducing crime. (Jamaicas Burden of crime, 2009). The consequences of community violence interrelatedness and broad propensity cannot be overemphasized. Consequences of not providing the necessary preventative, ameliorative or rehabilitative services will put additional strain on Jamaicas economy in terms of Jamaican dollars needed. Apart from the negative emotional health impact on the nation, the quality of life of the citizens will remain at continued risk (Crwaford-Browne, 2010). Macro implications of the impact of violence are insidious. Children develop dysfunctional interpersonal patterns in their relationships as it relates to violence and understanding their world. Psychological impacts through overexposure and trauma is difficult to quantify and this presents far-reaching limitations. Evaluating the system as a whole from the ecological model perspective ease this challenge as factors from the varying levels of the model can be targeted to cushion insidious effects of community violence. Recommendations Feerick and Prinz posited that specific issues for research issues in relation to community violence need to be probed (2003). Suggested issues include consequences of co-occurring risk factors, mediators, moderators and mechanisms. The premise of this review cautions this specific issues approach from the perspective that issues should not be investigated in a detached fashion, but rather enmeshed. Violence Prevention There are individual and community approaches to violence prevention (World Health Organization, 2002). On an individual level, public health authorities should encourage healthy behaviours that do not include violence as well as educating individuals in order to persuade them to change violent behaviours. In the community there are many opportunities to raise public awareness and stem community violence. Advocating for policy changes that address larger environmental issues (See Logsdon, 2010). Only with change that address the issue of community violence from the dimensions of the socio-ecological model- in making informed planning and implementing with regard to prevention and intervention programming. Summary/Conclusion This paper seeks to provide an overview of the current literature regarding effects exposure to community violence on children in systemic framework, and to identify the interrelatedness of the impacts at all levels on the social ecological model. In addition, recommendations are made that prevention and intervention programs use this systemic approach to better address and curtail the impacts of community violence. Violence in its various forms have been taking a heavy toll on the physical, emotional and mental health of Jamaican children, who exhibit symptoms of depression, PSTSD, aggressive impulsive behaviour, difficulty concentrating, bedwetting, and attachment problems. It is important to note that many of these symptoms exist within the context of unstable familial environments and are factors that are associated with aggressive and delinquent behaviours (Samms-Vaughan, 2005), further fuelling our present endemic of violence (Crawford-Browne, 2010). Poor quality of life and marginalization are some social impact of chronic violence exposure (Crawford-Browne, 2010). The researcher expounded that children get caught in the symbolic net of the different forms of violence which interact with each other with gruesome consequences. In explaining further, it is noted that the different types of violence emanates and ricochet from the various systems that interface and intercedes. The impact from a systemic level is quite distinct here. Clear it is that the childs experience here at all levels, the home, family, communities and society are impacted (Crawford-Browne, 2010). Peer Relations Community violence as daily variable offers negative role models that place of the government and community-building organizations (Crawford-Browne, 2010). Role models as such are the perennial figures of a Community Don or notorious gang leader. These negative role models act as agent of socialization. Hypthesis .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Descriptive Essay on Basketball Gym -- description, Observation Essay

The gym where I practice to win, the YMCA, is a place where I know who I am. It is a place I can go to escape my problems for awhile and release some stress. It is not the actual physical building, but rather the events that have occurred over the years. It is where I have formed some of the closest friendships. It is the place I have invested years of hard work for many of my accomplishments. To some it may seem odd that a place associated with sweat and physical pain can mean so much to one person. However, in my eyes it is almost like a second home. A certain familiarity has developed over time that makes it home. As I sit here, I can vividly picture myself there. I drive my car into the pot-hole filled parking lot off the main street, and park in the same spot I always have, people just seem to know that’s my spot. Walking around the back I gently push open the wooden door, which is like a barrier between two different worlds. The hot thick air quickly rushes out and escapes past my body. The familiar damp smell of sweat still inundates my nose when I walk into the ...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Romeo is More to Blame in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is about two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, forbidden to be together because of feuding families. Countless people contribute to Romeo and Juliet’s predestined fate and misadventures. This ultimately leads to Romeo and Juliet’s suicide. Who is more to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death? Although Juliet acts rashly, Romeo is more to blame. Furthermore, Romeo starts the whole tragedy. True, Juliet acts naà ¯ve, nonetheless Romeo acts hastily by encouraging the relationship. Prior to Romeo and Juliet’s encounter, Romeo is in an infatuation with Rosaline. In Act 1.1, Romeo depicts Rosaline's beauty and says, "She is too fair, too wise, wisely too fair." Romeo’s love for Rosaline is only skin deep and faces heart break when she chooses to be celibate. Yet when Romeo sees Juliet for the first time, he forgets all about Rosaline and instantly falls for Juliet. In Act 1.5, Romeo is the first to spot Juliet and immediately feels an attraction to her. In addition, Romeo thinks Juliet is very beautiful and convinces her to kiss him without knowing each other. Then in Act 2.1, Romeo pursues Juliet and goes to her balcony and begins to profess his love for her. When Romeo is swearing that he is in love with Juliet, she stops him and says everything is happening so quickly. However, Romeo reassures Juliet and they pl an for their marriage. Moreover after knowing Juliet for less than twenty-four hours, Romeo goes to his companion Friar Lawrence and asks him to marry them. True, Juliet is the one who sets up the marriage. However, Romeo is the one who pushed the relationship too far and too soon. In Act 2.3, Friar Lawrence is in shock with the sudden change from Rosaline to Juliet and comments on the ind... ...nd grieving for Juliet. Thinking Romeo’s is defiling Juliet’s grave, Paris and Romeo begin sword fighting. Romeo is extreme with anguish and kills Paris. Consequently, Romeo poisons himself and Juliet wakes up in confusion and heartbreak. Juliet alone and in shock feels her only alternative left is to kill herself and commits suicide. In the end Romeo is responsible for five deaths, Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris, Juliet and himself. Juliet kills herself because she is under different circumstances and does what she feels is the only option left. Juliet is courageous and strong for seeking advice and not being overly sensitive. Romeo is not only weak and foolish but is responsible for the tragic death of his own and Juliet’s. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet.† Literature and Language. Illinois: McDougal, Littell and Company, 1992. 722-842

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Views Toward Christians :: essays research papers

Some of the most important writings of the Apostolic Age were those of the new testament and the Apocryphal writings. These apocryphal writings resembled the New Testament writings, and many of them fell into the literary categories of gospel, acts, letters, and apocalypse's. These writings did not belong neither to the New Testament canon nor did the writings recognize any of the fathers of the church. Some of the documents were written for initiates in groups such as the Gnostics. For the groups that claimed knowledge derived from a secret tradition, the works were genuinely apocryphal, which means, "books kept hidden." Others were written for open and general use in the churches of which their authors were members. Many of these simply failed to become accepted as part of the orthodox canon of the Bible. There are many different views toward Christians. From an intellectual point of view, Christians agree with others as far as to follow Christ, and many have viewed them as a people who believe in the divine inspiration of the entire Bible and that this bible is sufficient enough to guide us in the right direction concerning all of our matters of faith. They view us (myself being a Catholic) as a people who believe that the moral principles of Jesus are the absolute truth, and that the New Testament must be our only guide in religious faith. On the other hand, there are those who view Christians. On the other hand, There were those who had sworn that Christians were atheists. They claimed that Christians were Atheist because they did not worship traditional religion. People actually believed that Christians supported no religion at all and were nothing other than non believers. They had also claimed that Christians practiced incest among one another because of their family gatherings at dinner time. Although not everyone believed these stories, they were still spread throughout many of the religious communities. The celebrations and the belief in the real, physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist grew from the teachings of the evangelists and St. Paul. They made it plain to the apostolic Church that the Eucharistic elements were literally Jesus Christ continuing His saving mission among men. The Eucharist celebrations began because of the Christians devotion and faith of the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The celebration of the Eucharist is founded on our Catholic doctrine and it is grounded on the solid rock of our Christian revelation.

Imaginative Journey

Imaginative journey refers to movements where the individual does not have to physically travel anywhere. It is a journey of the mind, which allows individuals to visit any place they desire or are led to; even those that don’t exist. Imaginative journey can lead to inspiration, belief and imagination. However the journey is only a means to an end. This end being: knowledge, experience or discoveries made by the individual in the process of the imaginative journey which broadens or heightens the responder’s perception or sense of the world. Imaginative journeys that take place in the film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland explore the themes of imagination, magic and freedom. This allows the responder to be able to journey with the main characters and evaluate the perception of their experience and discoveries by applying it to ourselves and others. Alice in Wonderland is an immortal tale of fantasy and wonder that follows the tale of a young girl who falls asleep in a meadow and dreams of entering a magical world, filled with strange adventures and magical creatures. The protagonist of the film Alice uses magic as a form of distraction, resulting from her fear of singing in front of public audiences. Magic is symbolised through the constant music in the film. This is evident when Alice opens the door to the beautiful garden. The director uses a calming instrumental piece of music to show the difference between the reality in Alice’s life and the reality in the magical world behind the small door. The use of a close up shot enforces Alice’s facial expressions to show the audience her excitement and interest in entering the garden. What the audience discovers in Alice’s magical journey is that she’s trying to use magic and her imagination as a platform for self-expression. For example, the rabbit and all the magical characters she meets, from the rude caterpillar to the Cheshire cat, all help her through her imaginative journey. Her fear of speaking in front of people is a reoccurring motif and each character plays a part in helping her overcome this fear. The caterpillar tells her â€Å"everything has a purpose, even here†. Her ‘purpose’ was not only to escape her boring life with magic and imagination, but rather meet that life head on and conquer her fears. Another issue involved is that of freedom. The audience must understand that Alice comes from a social context where children are only meant to be seen, not heard. What the audience gathers from her journey is that her effort to escape and find herself is just a means for her to find her form of freedom. This is shown by the way she has the freedom to either drink or not to drink the potion â€Å"if I drink this, ill be small enough to climb under the door† referring to the beautiful garden that she thinks â€Å"looks safe and no one will look for me there†. The high camera angle of the garden enables the audience to understand why Alice wishes to go there. Though the Cheshire cat reminds her, â€Å"Sometimes things that look safe, turn out to be nasty†. The audience discovers that Alice is able to go through the process of an imaginative journey so she can be free. This helps the audience understand that in their own world it doesn’t matter what age, race or sex you are, the imaginative journey is part of humanity and it is the key towards a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Therefore through the themes of imagination, magic and freedom the audience is able to experience Alice’s imaginative journey and gain a better understanding of themselves and others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Classmates

Patricia’s classmate is a young man about in his late teens early twenties. He is quite tall, slender build about six feet one inch maybe a little shorter. He looks as if he weighs about one hundred and seventy pounds maybe a little more or a little less. He has chestnut brown hair and it is very short, his hair is cut with a fade so it gets shorter towards the bottom he has side burns but they are very short to about the top of his ear. This classmate is a very good looking guy, he has a square shape face. He doesn’t have a lot of freckles but a few. He is Caucasian his skin tone is a natural beige color.His eyes are a pretty hazel, pale green on the outside and towards the middle a light brown, he also has pretty long eye lashes. His facial hair looks as if he has a five o’clock shadow all the time. He has nice teeth, not bleach paper white but they have a little tint of yellow to them kind of like you can tell he drinks coffee, his teeth also are straight exce pt the top center teeth are a little crooked and slant towards the inside of his mouth. This classmate doesn’t seem like a shy person, he seems to be outgoing and likes to have people around he likes to be sarcastic towards others too.His voice is not very high or loud, he has a low soft timber. Which is soothing to others when it’s been a hectic day. The classmate doesn’t have a distinctive type of clothing he dresses casual and seems to be comfortable in anything he throws on. He tends to wear Vans shoes all the time. He doesn’t seem to have a certain brand of anything he wears besides his shoes so probably just any jeans he feels comfortable in. So in all this classmate is an everyday kind of guy, he is casual, good looking, nice trimmed hair, with a five o’clock shadow all the time, and seems like a really nice guy to keep around as a friend.

A Most Special Person in My Life Essay

Except my family, there is one person, Thu Cuu, who I will always remember and respect because of her personalities, she is kind and also she is the one I love. Nothing is impossible with her no matter what is it, where is it and why is it, that is what I learn from her. A girl is perfect for every situation; she does not need to be dazzling, but people still have looked at her. Basically, I think every man in this world wants this lady to become his wife, even me. Surely, her personalities can make people who do not like to talk will talk, and her kindness can make everybody respects her, even that is the guy who hates her the most. In my opinion, it is hard to find one like her in this century, whether there is at least one or not, I still always think of her. First of all, her personalities attract me when we first met each other, I really admire her. She is friendly and kind of cute with her voice and smile to keep people around her. She can be a center in a crowd easily. I like her at the first time we met; we talk about a lot of things just like we are best friends. That is also the first time I feel free with a girl, because I usually stuck when I try to talk to a girl. Read more: The person I admire the most is my mother  essay She is very sociable, that is the reason why she has a lot of friends. Moreover, she likes to play no matter what kind of games. You can image that when a girl play some games that only reserve for boys like bias, she can play and play even better than boys. The trick is she does with all her heart and forgets what people say about her, just be happy when she plays. She respects friendship and loves her family. I am very sure that she is going to do anything to protect them. For example, I remembered clearly one time that she was late for a party and I yelled on her, then we altercated. Soon, I found out that she was late because she had to pick up her mom from work; it was not her fault. I did not know that, but the first person said sorry was her. Later I knew that the first person said sorry, it did not mean that person was wrong, it meant that person respected relationship between them more than other. I felt like I was guilty; I apologized her, instead of still getting angry on me, then she smiled with me like nothing never happened Secondly, her kindness can make a most kindness person must be jealous. She is very kind for everyone, not only her friends, just because that is who she is. Imagine that when you go to the gas station and someone goes to ask you to give them some money, because their car is out of gas and they are out of money. Certainly, you will look at their car, what they wear and think is it a trick. In opposite way, while you are busy at exploration, she already gives them money, because one time she told me helping people is the happiest thing in the world. She does not care much about it is a trick or not, even if it is a trick, she is still happy. Moreover, she is a good listener. Usually, when I am sad, or any kind of feeling, I will share with her, she will be there to hear them. Not just listening, she also gives me a best advice. I believe that she never tell anyone else what I tell her, she extremely knows how to keep secret. That is why people believe her mostly. Sometimes, I get angry on her because of my stuffs, but she is still quite, listens and never complains a word. Say, for other example, I got 35/100 on a physical exam; I was very sad and disappointed. When she knew that, she made a plan to revive me. She knew what I like and I do not like. Something I like but she does not, but she accepted it and did it for me. We went to the movie theater, went to eat my favorite food and got my major drinks. We went to play skating and skiing, then heading to the beach. Beach was my favorite place; I usually went there when I was in feeling, but she did not like the beach at much. We went down to the beach and high to the mountain. Really, that was the funniest day with me, we talked a lot, I forgot why I was sad and headed to the future. Thu Cuu is the best Last but not least, Thu Cuu is the one I love, a hundred percent surely. One day, a girl appeared without many attractive characteristics who changed my life. She was not like any other girls I met before. When I was stuck in the dark and very disappointed, she stood there in front of me with her smile such as a brightest star and showed me which ways were right or wrong. She told me that I did not know what was waiting for me ahead; I got to learn how to fight it. For example, at the final time last semester, my family had some problems like my brother sold his car and went to Vietnam without asking my parents a word, my dad and my mom’s jobs were in trouble, and my study was more difficult. I was blind and disappointed. At that time, there was no one helping me except one, Thu Cuu. Side by side, she and I figured out every problem and solved it like she helped me to contact and persuade my brother to come back here. She helped me to study, kept me in calm and bought me drinks and food, so I could focus on the exams. She also had her exams, but she still spent her time to help me. Honestly, I knew this was the person I could live with forever. Another time, her friend from other state came here to visit her. I was jealous. Without her, I felt like I was in the hole. I was easy to get angry because of nothing, I just wanted that she was only for me, and I knew that I loved her. Beside her, I always feel happy and love life. One of the most beautiful things about Thu is her smile, if she just smiles with me, I am very sure that all of my stress will be gone, also it is the most reason why I love her. A girl without many attractions who I think of most of my time always stays with me when I am in trouble. Totally, she is a hundred percent perfect. After all, Thu Cuu is the only one I will treat with all my heart. She is now such as my family member that I never want to lose. No matter what people say about her, in my mind, she is always a girl I first met and loved. Because of her personalities, I know that nothing is impossible in this world. She helped me to be able to understand how to be a good man. Her kindness brings me much knowledge of treatment. That helps me how to get respected from people who hate me. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world that people do not use machine to know, and it will be prettier if you love a person who you never forget.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

About Affirmative Action

About Affirmative Action Free Online Research Papers Affirmative Action Essay Selina A. Griswold defines affirmative action as a set of public policies and initiatives designed to help eliminate past and present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Affirmative action is a wonderful policy, which takes initiative to correct some of the misfortunes faced by not only colored people but females, yet a common myth about affirmative action is that it stands to benefit African-Americans the most. However, the largest beneficiary of affirmative action has been Caucasian women. This is because affirmative action is designed to help break the glass ceiling, the barrier that blocks Caucasian women from moving up in the workplace, in male dominated professions. Another common misconception about affirmative action is that it goes hand in hand with quotas, when it is actually based on goals. The reason for this is because quotas are fixed numbers, and are usually abandoned after they are reached. Goals on the other hand are often exceeded and continued after they are reached, and imply something to be strived for as opposed to just a fixed number. An example of a quota is a company looking to hire 35 minority workers this year, and an example of a goal is a company striving to increase its inventory of quality minority workers. As you see, quotas have the ability to almost change the definition and aim of affirmative action, therefore in my opinion quotas should not be used when regarding affirmative action. When a company must meet affirmative action quotas, it can transform affirmative action from an act of equal opportunity into a blatant advantage for minorities and women. Take this example into perspective; A company must hire â€Å"X† amount of colored workers, and â€Å"X† amount of females. However, said company has only used word of mouth advertising, and only a small amount of qualified minorities have been informed. Now in order to meet their quota, the company must hire any minorities that apply for the job without regard for their skill level or qualifications because of a lack of suitable candidates. Without affirmative action quotas, the company would only need to hire minority workers who are accurately qualified for the job instead of fighting to meet a quota to avoid some pen alty or gain an incentive. Affirmative action also expands recruiting and training techniques. It increases recruiting techniques because when it is implemented, companies attempt to recruit from a larger pool of more diverse people. This means that said company might be forced to use different advertising methods to reach areas that they may not have before. Affirmative action expands training techniques because companies are attempting to train people from a larger range of ethnicities and skill levels, therefore the company must use more diverse methods of training to get workers to a â€Å"happy medium† of overall skill level. The analogy on page 352 is a perfect example of what affirmative action really is or at least should be. Many people make the naà ¯ve assumption that affirmative action is meant to give an advantage to any female or person of color no matter what their skill level when referring to whatever position they are attempting to fulfill. This analogy shows you that this is not true. It gives the example of a batter in baseball who when on the field is against the other nine defensive players and is otherwise alone except for his teammates on the bench. The batter represents a recipient of affirmative action, and the nine defensive players stand to represent Caucasian male candidates for the same job. The analogy then goes to mention that the batter must earn his way to base, and if he hits the ball but does not make it to first base then he is out regardless of the situation. This represents the fact that if an affirmative action recipient cannot earn his or her way to be worthy for a job then he or she will not get the job and there is nothing that affirmative action can do to stop it, equivalent to being â€Å"out† in the analogy. Finally the analogy goes on to state that in the event of a tie where it can’t be determined if the player reached first base in time, that the benefit of the doubt is given to the batter because of the nine to one odds that he faced. This is equivalent to a person of color or a female being equally qualified with a Caucasian male for a job opportunity. Affirmative action would give the person an edge over the Caucasian male because of the odds that are stacked against said person due to past or current discrimination. According to the article in â€Å"In Motion Magazine†, some Caucasian male college students did not have to go to war because of a law called college draft deferment, which basically allowed college students to avoid the draft. This is a form of affirmative action that mostly White males benefited from because most people of color could not afford to go to college, which made their deferment a lot less likely. It is also surprising how no one complained about this form of affirmative action, or when bankers, farmers, or White men of power receive these incentives and it is often looked at as an entitlement. Yet the moment that incentives were expanded to be given to colored citizens and women there was an uproar of criticism. It is also ironic that some of the same people who benefited from college deferment or social engineering have a problem when a minority receives any form of competitive advantage. How can judges in the Supreme Court be opposed to affirmative action, when there is not a single judge in that group who have not benefited from some sort of affirmative action? If an advantage for a minority is considered reverse racism, then what is an advantage for a White male considered? Part of the reason why affirmative action is such a hot topic in America is because of the way the media represents it. It has been noted over time that women are rarely well represented in reports or articles covering the topic; and there are hardly ever any instances in which there is an article reporting on the affirmative action received by Caucasian males throughout any portion of history. Much more often we see articles from accredited sources focusing merely on the African-American or Latino recipients of affirmative action. Also in many of the articles, the terms â€Å"affirmative action† and â€Å"racial preference† are used interchangeably, giving the illusion that affirmative action is not a way to give minorities a competitive advantage to stay in the proximity of White male workers, but instead a way to attempt to insure that companies employ Black and Latino workers first. It then becomes much easier to see how someone could view affirmative action as reve rse racism with such horrible representation. If affirmative action were in its true form, that is without quotas that could make it an incentive numbers based program, and with accurate media representation, I do not believe that half of the people who oppose it now still would. Therefore, I would not favor a society that did not want affirmative action when in its true form. This being because in its true form there is no aspect of affirmative action not to be desired. I believe the only way that a society could not want affirmative action in its true state would be if they were misinformed about what its true state is. In conclusion, affirmative action can be a great process aimed at correcting past mistakes. America’s only problem with it stems from its media representation, and if it were to be corrected only the strictest of nay Sayers could oppose it. The question that I now pose is how long will it be before the media finally decides to accurately cover this topic, and when that day comes will those who still oppose it attempt to come up with some other way of discrediting the process? Only time will tell. Research Papers on About Affirmative ActionMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesDefinition of Export QuotasAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Hockey GameRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part OneHip-Hop is ArtOpen Architechture a white paper

Sociology of Sexual Differences A Critique of The Feminization of Love Essay Example

Sociology of Sexual Differences A Critique of The Feminization of Love Essay Example Sociology of Sexual Differences A Critique of The Feminization of Love Paper Sociology of Sexual Differences A Critique of The Feminization of Love Paper Essay Topic: Literature We identify love with emotional expression and discussion of felling. The feminization of love by Francesca M. Cancian, focus is on one kind of love: long-term heterosexual love in contemporary United States. Cancians thesis is that there is a feminized and incomplete perspective on love predominates in the United States. There are two guidelines, which Cancian suggests for developing a useful definition of enduring love. The first guideline for a definition of enduring love comes from the prototypes of enduring love the relations between committed lovers, husband and wife, parent and child. Historical provided a second guideline for defining enduring love, specifically between a woman and a man. This historical analysis implies that affection, material help, and routine cooperation all are parts of enduring love. Cancian working definition of enduring love between adults is a relationship wherein a small number of people are affectionate and committed to each other, (define their collective well being as a major goal, and feel obligated to provide core and practical assistance for each other). The second guideline is a narrower feminized definition of love that dominates both contemporary scholarship and public opinion, such as talking about feelings. For Example, Abraham Maslow defines love as a feeling of tenderness and affection with great enjoyment, happiness, satisfaction, elation and even ecstasy. Feminist scholars are dividing on the question of love and gender. Scholars have used Nancy Chodorows theory to develop the idea that love and attachment are fundamental parts of womens personalities but not of mens. A feminized conception of love can be supported by other theories as well, but the strongest support is form the feminized perspective comes from such psychological theories as Chodorows. Feminist historians have developed an incisive critique of the feminized perspective on love. Their argument, in simple form begins with the observation that in the colonial era the family household was the arena for economic production, affection, and social welfare. As the daily activities of men and women grew further apart, a new worldview emerged that exaggerated the differences between the personal, loving, feminine sphere of the home and the impersonal, powerful, masculine sphere of the workplace. Work became identified with men do for money while love became identified with womens activities at home. Women are only moderately superior to men at love: they have more close relationships and care more about them, and they seem to be more skilled at love, especially when it involves expressing feeling and being venerable. Men tend to have a distinctive style of love that focuses on practical help, shared physical activities, spending time together and sex. Here are some negative consequences of the feminization of love: the feminized perspective leads to political and moral problems; it works against some of the key values and goals of feminists and humanists by contributing to the devaluation and exploitation of women; it states that mens dependency on women remains covert and repressed while womens dependency on men is overt and exaggerated; the feminized perspective on love reinforces this power differential by leading to the belief that women need love more than men; the feminized perspective love is that it legitimates impersonal, exploitive relation in the workplace and the community; feminization of love intensifies the conflicts over intimacy between women and men in close relationship, finally the feminized perspective on love, childcare is a subtle communication of activities, not work. In conclusion the material in this article supports the course thesis that gender is socially constructed. The concept of the sociological imagination supports practically everything in this article. First it talks about history of the past and how things are starting to change. Secondly, the article shows how society plays a role. Finally, the article talks about individuals (men and women) but it does not really explain how they feel. Cancians article is very wordy, boring and it jumps around quite a lot. The article made me think of topics I have never really thought about. The author certainly accomplished what she set out to do.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Conjugate the French Verb Découvrir

How to Conjugate the French Verb Dà ©couvrir In French, the verb  dà ©couvrir  means to discover or to uncover. When you want to change it to the past tense discovered or the future tense will uncover, you will need to conjugate the verb. French verbs are rarely simple to conjugate, and  dà ©couvrir  is one of the more challenging. However, a short lesson will run you through the basics. Conjugating the French Verb  Dà ©couvrir Dà ©couvrir  is an  irregular verb, meaning it does not follow a common verb conjugation pattern. Yet, it is not alone because the majority of French verbs that end in  -frir  or  -vrir, including ouvir (to open),  are conjugated in the same way. The challenge of conjugating in French is that you not only take into account the present, future, or past tense when changing the infinitive ending. There is also a separate ending for each subject pronoun within each of those tenses. That means you have more words to dedicate to your memory. Study this table to learn the correct forms of  dà ©couvrir. Simply pair the subject pronoun with the proper tense: I discover is je dà ©couvre and we will discover is nous dà ©couvrirons. Practicing these in context is a good way to help memorize them. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirai dà ©couvrais tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvriras dà ©couvrais il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrira dà ©couvrait nous dà ©couvrons dà ©couvrirons dà ©couvrions vous dà ©couvrez dà ©couvrirez dà ©couvriez ils dà ©couvrez dà ©couvriront dà ©couvraient Present Participle Adding -ant  to the verb stem  dà ©couvr-  creates the  present participle  dà ©couvrant. Its useful beyond a verb and can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  past participle  of  dà ©couvrir  is  dà ©couvert. This is used to form the common past tense known as the  passà © composà ©. To use it, you will also need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb  avoir. For example, I discovered is jai dà ©couvert and we discovered is nous avons dà ©couvert. More Simple  Conjugations There may be times when you will find a  use for the subjunctive or conditional verb forms of  dà ©couvrir  as well. The subjunctive verb mood implies that the act of discovering is subjective or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood says that discovering will only happen  if  something else takes place. The passà © simple is  primarily found in literature and formal writing. The same applies to the imperfect subjunctive. While you may not use them yourself, being able to recognize these as a form of  dà ©couvrir  is a good idea. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisse tu dà ©couvres dà ©couvrirais dà ©couvris dà ©couvrisses il dà ©couvre dà ©couvrirait dà ©couvrit dà ©couvrà ®t nous dà ©couvrions dà ©couvririons dà ©couvrà ®mes dà ©couvrissions vous dà ©couvriez dà ©couvririez dà ©couvrà ®tes dà ©couvrissiez ils dà ©couvrent dà ©couvriraient dà ©couvrirent dà ©couvrissent To use  dà ©couvrir  in the imperative form, there is no need to include the subject pronoun. Instead of tu dà ©couvre,  simplify it to dà ©couvre. Imperative (tu) dà ©couvre (nous) dà ©couvrons (vous) dà ©couvrez

Halloween Movie Quotes That Will Haunt You

Halloween Movie Quotes That Will Haunt You Hollywood has produced some fabulous horror classics. Movies like Nightmare on Elm Street, House on Haunted Hill, The Shining, and The Sixth Sense are blockbusters that made horror a winning formula. What makes horror movies so enticing?​ Halloween  commemorates the living and the dead, the real and the surreal. Even for a non-believer, Halloween is a fun festival as it creates an aura of mystery and daredevilry around us. Likewise, horror movies are thrilling because of special effects, mysterious plotline, and voodoo science. Stories about the supernatural try to unravel the mysteries that surround death and rebirth. Horror Movies Quotes Use these Halloween movie quotes to spook your party guests. With voice modulation and the right sound effects, these quotes can make any brave-heart shudder. You can also use these quotes to decorate your Halloween party invites, party favors, and thank you cards. Nightmare on Elm StreetChildren: One, two. Reds calling for you. Three, four. Better lock your door. Five, six. Grab your crucifix. Seven, eight. Gonna stay up late. Nine, ten. Never sleep again.Planet TerrorDr. William Block: Im gonna eat your brains, and gain your knowledge.The Addams FamilyMorticia [to Gomez, watching Pugsley sleep]:  Its so sweet. He looks just like a little entrà ©e.The HauntingTheodora: Havent you noticed how nothing in this house seems to move until you look away and then you just... catch something out of the corner of your eye?The UninvitedRoderick Fitzgerald: Thats not because there are most ghosts here than other places, mind you. Its just that people who live here about are strangely aware of them. You see, day and night, year in, year out, they listen to the pound and stir of the waves. Theres life and death in that restless sound. And eternity too.The OthersMrs. Mills: Sometimes the world of the living gets mixed up with the world of the dead. The Addams FamilyMargaret [to Morticia]: You are too precious for words, why I could just... eat you alive!The OthersMrs. Mills: The intruders are leaving, but others will come. Sometimes well sense them. Other times, we wont.The FlyVeronica Quaife: Be afraid. Be very afraid.Silence of the LambsHannibal Lecter: I ate his liver with some fava beans and a fine Chianti.Childs PlayChucky: Hi! Im Chucky. Want to play?Dawn of the DeadTelevangelist: When theres no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.The Sixth SenseCole Sear: I see dead people.Halloween H20: 20 Years LaterNorma Watson: You know, its Halloween. I guess everyone is entitled to one good scare, huh?Halloween (1978)Dr. Sam Loomis: Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. You can either ignore it, or you can help me to stop it.Halloween (2007)Dr. Samuel Loomis: These eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see wha t you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light, these are of a psychopath. Halloween (1978)Tommy: You cant kill the Boogey man.American PsychoPatrick Bateman: I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.Friday the 13thCrazy Ralph: Im a messenger of God. Youre doomed if you stay here. This place is cursed. Cursed... Its got a death curse!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian

How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian Here are some basic pronunciation rules, tips, and practice words for Italian consonants. All whose pronunciation is similar to, yet distinct from that of the single consonant. This could result in confusion like saying â€Å"andremo - we will go† instead of â€Å"andremmo - we would go.†Italian is a phonetic language, which means that it’s spoken the way it’s written. B, F, M, N, V The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows: c before a, o, and u is like the English k. casa - housefico - figcon - withColosseo - Colosseumcane - dogcaffà ¨ - coffee c before -e or -i is like the English sound ch in chest. cena - dinnervoce - voicecibo - foodconcerto - concertcipolla - onionfacile - easy ch (found only before -e or -i) is like the English k. che - thatchimica - chemistryperchà © - becausechilo - kilochi - whochiuso - closedanche - also D d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. di - ofdata - datedove - wheredue - twododici - twelvedonna - womanlunedà ¬ - Mondaymoda - fashionundici - eleven G g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go. albergo - hotelgamba - leggusto - tastegonna - skirtgomma - eraserlungo - longguanti - glovesguidare - to drivelingua - tongue g before -e or -i is like the g in gem. gelato - ice creamangelo - angelpagina - pagegente - peoplegentile - kindgennaio - January GH gh (found only before -e or -i) is like the g in go. laghi - lakesmaghi - magicians GLI gli is approximately like ll in million. meglio - betterfigli - sonsfamiglia - familyaglio - garlicfogli - sheets (of paper)bottiglia - bottle GN gn is approximately like ny in canyon. signora - ladysignore - gentlemanbagno - bathsogno - dreamlasagne - lasagnaspugna - sponge H h is silent ho - I haveha - hasahi! - ouch!hanno - they have I l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth. olio - oillingua - languagesale - saltmelone - melonluna - moonscuola - school P p is as in English but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English. pane - breadpatata - potatopepe - pepperpap - dadponte - bridgepasto - mealpronuncia - pronunciationpsicologo - psychologist QU qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest. questo - thisquinto - fifthquale - whichquanto - how muchquadro - picturequalit - quality R r is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r. ora - nowalbergo - hotelbaritono - baritonearte - artorologio - watchporta - door S s is sometimes like the English s in house. soggiorno - living roomtesta - headstanza - roomfesta - party; holidayposta - mail s is sometimes (but always before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v) like the English s in rose. rosa - rosetesoro - treasurefrase - phrasesbaglio - mistakeesercizio - exercisemusica - music SC sc before a, o, or u is like sk in ask. ascoltare - to listenscuola - schoolpesca - peachtasca - pockettoscano - Tuscanscarpa - shoescultura - sculpture sc before -e or -i is like the English sound sh in fish. sci - skipesce - fishconoscere - to knowscena - scenescendere - to descenduscita - exit SCH sch occurs only before -e or -i, and is pronounced like the English sk. pesche - peachestasche - pocketsscheletro - skeletonlische - fishbones T t is approximately the same as in English but no escaping of breath accompanies it in Italian. contento - gladcarta - paperarte   artmatita - pencilturista - touristantipasto - appetizertelefono - telephonetesta - head Z z is sometimes voiceless, like ts is bets. negozio - storemarzo - Marchgrazie - thank youdizionario - dictionary z is sometimes voiced, like ds in beds. zero - zeropranzo - lunchromanzo - novelzanzara - mosquito Note: When ci, gi, and sci are followed by -a, -o, or -u, unless the accent falls on the -i, the -i is not pronounced. The letter -i merely indicates that c, g, and sc are pronounced, respectively, like the English ch, g (as in gem), and sh. arancia - orangegiornale - newspaperciliegia - cherrysalsiccia - sausagecamicia - shirtscienza - science

Charles VII of France

Charles VII of France Charles VII  was also known as: Charles the Well-Served (Charles Le Bien-servi) or Charles the Victorious (le Victorieux) Charles VII was known for: Keeping France together at the height of the Hundred Years War, with notable help from Joan of Arc. Occupations: King Places of Residence and Influence: France Important Dates: Born: Feb. 22, 1403Crowned: July 17, 1429Died: July 22, 1461 About Charles VII: Charles VII  is something of a contrary figure in French history. Though Charles served as regent for his mentally unbalanced father while still a teenager, Charles VI signed a treaty with Henry V of England that bypassed his own sons and named Henry the next king. Charles announced himself king upon the death of his father in 1422, but he was still known as the Dauphin (the French title for the heir to the throne) or the King of Bourges until he was properly crowned in Reims in 1429. He owed Joan of Arc a great debt for her aid in breaking the siege of Orleans and getting a signifcantly symbolic coronation, but he stood by and did nothing when she was captured by the enemy. Though later he worked to obtain a reversal of her condemnation, he may only have done so to justify the circumstances surrounding his achievement of the crown. Although Charles has been charged with being inherently lazy, shy and even somewhat apathetic, his councillors and even his mistresses encouraged and inspired him to deeds that would ultimately unify France. Charles succeeded in introducing important military and financial reforms that strengthened the power of the French monarchy. His conciliatory policy toward towns that collaborated with the English helped restore peace and unity to France. He was also a patron of the arts. The reign of Charles VII was significant in the history of France. Fractured and in the midst of an extended war with England when he was born, by the time of his death the country was well on its way toward the geographical unity that defines its modern boundaries. More Charles VII Resources: Charles VII in Print The links below will take you to an online bookstore, where you can find more information about the book to help you get it from your local library. This is provided as a convenience to you; neither Melissa Snell nor About is responsible for any purchases you make through these links. Charles VII(French Edition)by Michel HerubelCharles VII: Le victorieux(Les Rois qui ont fait la France. Les Valois)(French Edition)by Georges BordonoveVictorious Charles: A Ladies Man - A Biography of King Charles VII of France (1403-1461)by Caroline (Cally) Rogers Neill SehnaouiConquest: The English Kingdom of France, 1417-1450by Juliet Barker Charles VII on the Web Charles VIIVery brief bio at Infoplease.Charles VII, King of France (1403-1461)Fairly extensive biography by  Anniina Jokinen at the Luminarium.Charles VII (1403-1461) Roi de France (r.1422-1461) dit le Trà ©svictorieuxThough a bold background detracts somewhat from this amateur site, an informative biography is followed by a substantial timeline of the kings life, at the Hundred Years War Web Page.Charles, VIIThorough biography from   World History in Context  at the Gale Group. Medieval FranceThe Hundred Years War Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2015 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is not granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission, please   contact  Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Systems Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Systems Approach - Essay Example [Kelly, G., p.204]. According to this, the laws governing the parts determine or cause the behavior of the whole. That’s why the client’s behavior needs to be viewed as a whole, being determined by the complex of influences from inner and outer surroundings to the organism. General Systems Theory is based on the assumption that there are universal principles of organization, which hold all the systems, be they physical, chemical, biological, mental or social. In this case, while treating a client there is an urgent need to appreciate his behavior as being influenced by a complicated list of determinates, which could be very different, but at the same time, due to the Systems Approach, are similar to all the human organisms. According to G.A.Kelly, the person-as-clent is ‘what he does’, and the therapist is primary interested in the client’s overall personal construction system within which he structures his world, and builds his relations to such a world. Primary diagnostic work in this case include an outline of the client’s existing channels of movement, the prediction of the development of a way how a person will behave, and what factors this behavior is determined by. The reasons for this emerge from the client’s inner problems, hidden in his childhood (this is the case of study for psychoanalysis, when the behavioral patterns of a client are the shadows of the events happened to him in the past), or are determined by the conditions of the present surrounding, and his personal behavioral constructs. Kelly stresses, that ‘by seeing a client’s constructs and their opposites as channels of potential movement for him, the therapist has some basis for forecasting what adjustments will appear to the client to be available when he finds himself up to his ears in people’. [Kelly, G., p.187] To view a client and to make an appropriate diagnosis the therapist must point of all the influences which have a certain impact on the

Economic Growth Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economic Growth Experience - Essay Example Therefore, real GDP is preferable as it gives a more accurate view of the economy. Per capita GDP is the most preferred measure because it shows and compares relative performances of each given country. There are problems that may arise when comparing the growth rate of different countries; this may be due to components that are used in one country in calculating their GDP may be omitted in the other country. In additional to that the economies of the two countries may not be equal or homogeneously comparable. However in any country whereby there is a constant increase in per –capita GDP may signify improvement in welfare and living standards. Other statistics that can be used in analyzing economic growth of a country include income distribution analysis, household consumption and wealth analysis. These statistics are not widely used in all countries compared to GDP, but they work efficiently giving the same results. Year GDP GROWTH Growth rate (%) Mean rate Deviation from mea n(?) 1990 544.7 1991 533.8 -10.9 -2 1.78 -3.78 14.2884 1992 531.1 -2.7 -0.5 1.78 -2.28 5.1984 1993 542 10.9 2 1.78 0.22 0.0484 1994 565.4 23.4 4.3 1.78 2.52 6.3504 1995 581.2 15.8 2.7 1.78 0.92 0.8464 1996 593.7 12.5 2.2 1.78 0.42 0.1764 1997 614.4 20.3 3.4 1.78 1.62 2.6244 1998 628.6 14.2 2.3 1.78 0.52 0.2704 1999 635.7 7.1 1.1 1.78 -0.68 0.4624 2000 650.4 14.7 2.3 1.78 0.52 0.2704 ?=17.8 ?=30.536 a) The growth rate is given in column 4 above and the overall growth rate is; {(650.4-544.7) ?544.7} ?100 =19.4% b) The average growth rate shall be; (-2+-0.5+2+4.3+2.7+2.2+3.4+2.3+1.1+2.3)?10 =1.78 c) The standard deviation shall be; vn; where n is the number of years. Therefore; v30.536/10 = v3.0536 = 1.75 The GDP growth rate has been relatively stable over the years. Q.3 (a) Alpha Beta Gamma Growth Rate 0.05% 2% 6% 2001 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 2002 $1,005.00 $1,020.00 $1,060.00 2003 $1,010.03 $1,040.40 $1,123.60 2004 $1,015.08 $1,061.21 $1,191.02 2005 $1,020.15 $1,082.43 $1,264. 48 2006 $1,025.25 $1,104.08 $1,338.23 2007 $1,030.38 $1,126.16 $1,418.52 2008 $1,035.53 $1,148.69 $1,503.63 2009 $1,040.71 $1,171.65 $1,593.85 2010 $1,045.91 $1,195.08 $1,689.48 2011 $1,051.14 $1,218.98 $1,790.85 2012 $1,056.40 $1,243.36 $1,898.30 2013 $1,061.68 $1,268.23 $2,012.20 2014 $1,067.00 $1,298.60 $2,132.93 2015 $1,072.32 $1,319.47 $2,260.90 2016 $1,077.68 $1,345.86 $2,396.56 2017 $1,083.07 $1,372.77 $2,540.35 2018 $1,088.49 $1,400.24 $2,692.77 2019 $1,093.93 $1,428.24 $2,854.34 2020 $1,099.40 $1,456.81 $3,025.60 2021 $1,104.90 $1,485.94 $3,207.14 2022 $1,110.42 $1,515.66 $3,399.56 2023 $1,115.97 $1,545.97 $3,603.54 2024 $1,121.55 $1,576.89 $3,819.75 2025 $1,127.16 $1,608.43 $4,048.94 2026 $1,132.80 $1,640.59 $4,291.87 2027 $1,138.46 $1,673.41 $4,549.38 2028 $1,144.15 $1,706.87 $4,822.34 2029 $1,149.87 $1,741.01 $5,111.68 2030 $1,155.62 $1,775.84 $5,418.38 2031 $1,161.40 $1,811.35 $5,743.49 With a growth rate of 0.5% the GDP of alpha is expected to rise to $1161, beta $1811 , and gamma $5743 by 2031. Q. 3bSmall differences in growth rate could have a big impact on countries’ economy Q.3c.The per capita GDP at a future year, (tn) shall be given by; Vtn = Vt0*(1+CAGR) n 1. Where; CAGR is the compound annual growth rate 2. Vtn is the GDP at time n 3. Vt0 is the initial GDP at the beginning Q.4 a. 1960 2000 Minimum GDP per capita $456.2411 $515.0736 Maximum GDP per capit

Friday, October 18, 2019

Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Leadership - Assignment Example ii) Nature of Work to be adopted by the student The student must give equal values to profit and ethics in his working activities in future. He should try to get maximum returns from the work done but should never compromise on the social and moral values in business. In the course of his professional life, the student must try to stay at the highest position in his workplace. He must claim to serve his employer (if he works for someone) or customers (if he owns a business concern) with his best efforts. These goals can easily be achieved by the employees if he suffices the above mentioned vision criteria in future. It is assumed in the assignment that the student here desires to start up his business in future which would be entirely owned by him. This simply hammers on the fact that through entrepreneurship, a person can use his or her knowledge to create services or products for the benefit of the common people with their best efforts. By choosing to be an entrepreneur, a person c an have a better control over his future, a better understanding about the differences between value and work, the scale and scope of operations can be altered most efficiently by an entrepreneur in business. An entrepreneur has the best scope for innovation and improvement in work and also gets the best opportunities to learn and improve from the mistakes. It has been observed in the real world that many high-ranked corporate firms in the market had begun harbouring thoughts and inspirations of a single promoter in business. Like Anita Roddik, the lady who was the founder of the popular luxury cosmetics company ‘The Body Shop’. Such successful stories of famous business personalities carves ways to encourage the youth to take part in new entrepreneurship. The development of any economy is not possible without the successful contribution of creativity and invention. Thus it is highly rational on behalf of the student to start up his own business so that he can contribut e his learnt to the development of the society and economy in future. It is rather assumed that the student with the best or decent leadership skills should take up his own business as it is the best possible task that he can adopt (Lafer, 1999). iii) Personality traits In the theory of personality development, the Five Factor Model states that there are five types of personality traits. These are conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism and extraversion. The above vision, goal and the choice of work selected by the student clearly explains his personality traits. These are: Openness: as the individuals desires to set up his own business and explore the creative business skills in him independently. Extraversion: as the individual has the energy to reach the highest position in the business sector where he aims to reach. Agreeableness: as the individual realizes and gives much importance to moral and ethical values. He gives importance to social welfare. Conscientious ness: as the person tends to be self disciplined, he assures in his goal to work hard and efficiently in the course of his self owned business. The student asked his common friend Joe Parker to comment on the viability of the personal traits analyzed by the student. Joe Parker said that almost 75% of the analyses made by the student

Writing Assignment - State of the Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing Assignment - State of the Union - Essay Example Therefore, this is the work of the Senate but he points out that it has failed to do so. The President claims that he will use all his powers to make sure that the systems work as required and promises that this will happen by the end of the year. In his proposal, he tells the chairman of the House committee to prepare a bill that is aimed to measure those crossing the US border illegally. The bill targets to improve the equipment and the technology employed at the Southwest border. As a response to the proposed law, Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) a Republican, who also is the incoming House chair points out that; there was an anticipation of advancing the border legislation with the aim of providing additional fencing, surveillance, bettering visa tracking technology and enforcing the workforce related to this department. The enforcement should be done by making the use of e- verify mandatory, coming up with a system for employers to check the validity of their potential employees being in the USA soil. The senator points out that, the stated measures would be a vital and important component of any prospected immigration reform like the one stated by the president in his proposal. Again, the president points out that, including specific border targets for security improvement is vital in ensuring an evident progress on the run to reforming immigration practices in the US. The president also says that, there is the need to improve the U.S worker programs so as to address the rising demand for workers from outside the country. These workers come into USA country to fill both high and low skill positions that the Americans workers lack. In his proposal to the Congress, the president also addresses the issue of immigration. He points out that, several reforms should be employed so that the tax collection process in the USA is streamlined. The president talked about

ASSIGNMENT- Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

- - Assignment Example This will allow me to quantify the competence of players in each of the six competence areas, and provide me with objective results and hence, names of the players to be drafted. What will you do to motivate the players? Motivation comes from satisfaction and self actualization. In order to inculcate both in the players, it is imperative that the leader makes them aware of the importance of the task at hand and the significance of their individualistic and collective roles in making the project successful. When the players are explained the background of the project along with its importance and their own importance, it makes them feel important that in turn, inculcates satisfaction. Therefore, I shall call a meeting and demonstrate the project, along with their roles and responsibilities in it. I shall also assure them that their hard work will be rewarded in any way the organization deems appropriate. Successful players may get a financial reward or be promoted or sent to paid leav e etc. The team knows that it is involved in a corporate bake-off, winner take all. What members don't know is that it is a suicide mission, meaning results won't matter because the parent firm is sinking underneath it.   A.

Commercial Aviation Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Commercial Aviation Safety - Essay Example After the two wars, the availability of decommissioned military aircraft as well as the increase in number of decommissioned military pilots paved the way for the modern aviation industry. At the same time, aircraft manufacturers such as Cessna, Piper and Beechcraft made passenger aircraft made for specific roles. These aircraft manufacturers eventually became the world's leaders in passenger aircraft technology ("Commercial Aviation", 2006). The development continued over the next 20 years and by the 1950's, Boeing introduced their first line of passenger aircraft that utilized jet engine technology such as the Boeing 707. The evolution of the commercial aircraft industry continues with airport authorities and airline services going hand in hand in providing safe and efficient air travel around the world ("Commercial Aviation", 2006). But the industry is never without its troubles and complications. There are several factors that make air travel rather risky and dangerous. Among the se are technical problems, human error, unpredictable weather conditions, hi-jacking and many more. Out of these issues, terrorism had the most significant impact in the industry, as it was responsible for the death of thousands of innocent lives. The most infamous of these aerial terrorists act was the September 11, 2001 attacks, also known as 9/11 ("September 11 Attacks", 2006). There are a ... Weather disturbances such as ice and other forms of precipitation pose great risks for the pilots and passengers. Take for example the case of a certain Georgian Express Flight that happened in January 14, 2004. The flight involved a Cessna 208B that took off from Pelee Island Ontario and eventually crashed into Lake Eerie moments later after take-off killing all 9 passengers and the pilot. The crash was believed to be due to pilot fatigue and poor visibility due to icy weather conditions (Aarons, 2006). Other cases of human error are linked to faulty and obsolete flight equipment, such as manual controls that are totally dependent upon the pilot's skills. Obsolete equipment combined with mediocre skills can greatly increase the occurrence of a mishaps happening in the industry (Evans, 2004). Proof of this comes from the Aviation Safety Network which reported that there were about a dozen or so airline mishaps in June 2006 alone, among these involved n A-320 Airbus incident in Sochi, Russia and a DC-10 incident in Managua, Nicaragua (Aviation Safety Network, 2005). Aircraft structural fatigue is also blamed as the number one killer in the skies, this happens especially in a lot of older aircraft that are still used by some airliners up to this date (Aubury, 2006). Also, financial problems may plague an institution if it is not ready to support airline operations. Such was the problem of South African Airways when their profit plunged into an all-time low of almost 90% because of rising fuel prices, lower cost of competition as well as their failure to generate enough profit. South African Airways has also run through debts in the course of its operations thus forcing it to cut back on costs while maintaining its

Equal and Superior Services of Restaurants Research Paper

Equal and Superior Services of Restaurants - Research Paper Example This concept of equality and superiority can easily be understood by the example of restaurants. Most of these restaurants are providing services but very few of them are capable of providing superior services with equality. People visiting restaurants are from diverse environment settings and have dissimilar needs. Thus a restaurants need to achieve the status of being superior by providing equality in outcomes of experiences of different individuals. Like:Ambiance/ decoration: People who wants to dine out definitely requires something especial to feel and eat. Efforts should be made to impress the customers by providing them relax and pleasant environment. Furnishing should be comfortable yet functional.Waiting Staff: Few things that make the first impression about the restaurant, waiters/waitresses are among them. Hiring trained staff proved to be the backbone of the restaurant business. Customers expect friendly, polite and professional treatment from the waiting staff. Healthy F ood: If customers have caloric information of the meals on the menu card or on request, it will be an additional service on behalf of the restaurant. Trying to have variety and creativity in the recipes of meal prevent customers to feel boredom from same kind of menu. Use of Advance Equipments and Technology: Restaurants should accept the credit cards to provide ease to the customer in payments. In addition, restaurants should have their own website in order to display their latest packages, new recipes.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wireless Network System for an IT Training Centre Essay

Wireless Network System for an IT Training Centre - Essay Example This information is then transmitted through the air with the help of a transmitter and received at the other end through a receiver and demodulated. Since both transmission and reception of the signals have to be carried out at the same point, therefore a device known as an ‘Access Point’ (AP) is used which is a simple transmitter/receiver or transceiver. By assigning different frequencies to different users many users can access the network simultaneously without interfering. As is evident, the access to a wireless network can be gained only if the users are having devices which have a wireless facility. These devices such as notebook computers and tablet PC’s are widely available in the market and their prices have fallen by large amounts in recent times making them affordable. Â  Depending on the designing technology used WLAN’s are mainly of three types. ‘Narrowband wireless LAN’s’, ‘Spread Spectrum wireless LAN’s’ and ‘Infrared wireless LAN’s’. Narrowband WLAN’s, as is understood from the name, use the narrowband signal for communication. Therefore the speeds achieved are low in this case but the problem of interference is greatly reduced as is the case with narrowband signals. The problem of low speeds is solved by the Spread Spectrum WLAN’s which use wideband signals. The drawback of this technology is that the number of users accessing an access point is lesser and the security is also weaker than Narrowband WLAN’s. However, in spite of these drawbacks, it is the most widely used technology. The infrared WLAN’s don’t find many uses as the speeds as well as the range, in this case, is very low. Infrared WLAN’s are used only when the devices and access points are placed close to each other and when they are in the line of sight. The requirement of devices to be in the line of sight is because RF signals cannot pass through opaque objects. Â  

Fashion industry management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fashion industry management - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be comprehended that the fashion industry is fast moving and extremely trendy. Working in a fashion company requires one to keep up with fashion trends and to be open about adapting with fashion services and products. An advantage in working with a fashion company is that there is no need to get tied up with a single product for a long time because it is possible to change offerings on a frequent basis. Such circumstances create the necessity to remain open about new fashions and trends. It is beneficial to establish link with fashion professionals such as models, socialites, trend setters, stylists and designers. This helps a great deal in establishing good relations with manufacturers and distributors of fashion products, but the specific relationship depends upon the kind of business that is being considered. It is important for fashion companies to organize fashion shows to attract attention to the business, in addition to hirin g publicists and event planners to make the events successful. In view of the extensive competition in the fashion industry it is better to keep finding new ways to reduce costs. Pricing policy should be adopted whereby the consumer gets value for his money. In addition to complying with these processes, one must keep a close tab on the budget as provided for in the business plans. Fashion is a wide term that includes products or markets characteristically encompassing elements of style that tend to be short lived. Fashion markets mostly exhibit certain characteristics such as short life cycles, high volatility, low predictability and high impulsive purchases. Fashion products are typically transient because they are designed for capturing the mood of people during any given period. Therefore, the period in which a fashion product is sold will mostly be ephemeral; a few months or weeks. The demand for fashion products are seldom stable and are prone to be impacted by the vagaries of weather or the actions of sports personalities or pop stars. It is extremely difficult to forecast the demand of fashion products because of the given unpredictability. Most purchase decisions for fashion products are made on impulse at the points of sale because consumers are motivated to buy the product only after seeing what varieties and items are available. The fashion industry is also known as the Rag Trade because the involvement of designer clothes and high fashion creates difficult and competitive market conditions. The business environment is characterized with constant change as fashions and trends keep coming and going. The working of a fashion company can be bifurcated into four distinct sections; retailing, wholesaling, manufacturing and designing. But all these functions complement each other, which clearly reveal that the industry is more about information than just clothing and design. In this industry, people are required to make a place for themselves in a social environment and to associate with specific social groups. It is recognized that fashion products are a means of communication and make statements about the individual wearing them, in identifying him or her with a specific group. Changing fashions demonstrate the working of a dynamic system and such changes are irregular and vary with circumstances. There are times when people in the industry experience a literal chaos in terms of the mixture of fashions that may exist at one time and then suddenly a new emergent style replaces them, thus making it imperative for the fashion company to change its strategies and goals. Under these circumstances, I realized that it is better to ignore